Wow Data Morinosuke Kawaguchi’s Innovation Model born from 30 years of experience in engineering and innovation consulting Morinoske
Selection Silly and serious products with an innovative edge Kawaguchi recommends to look at Morinoske
Innovation Treasure Box Cases of applied innovation and creative thinking based on Kawaguchi’s articles, lectures and books About Morinosuke
Kawaguchi Futurist, strategist, innovation & technology consultant, author, designer and more
Wow Data Morinosuke Kawaguchi’s Innovation Model born from 30 years of experience in engineering and innovation consulting Morinoske
Selection Silly and serious products with an innovative edge Kawaguchi recommends to look at Morinoske
Innovation Treasure Box Cases of applied innovation and creative thinking based on Kawaguchi’s articles, lectures and books About Morinosuke
Kawaguchi Futurist, strategist, innovation & technology consultant, author, designer and more

May 26 2022 Morinosuke Kawaguchi on TV 2022.May 27th & online for 2 weeks - Morinosuke Kawaguchi will be on Japanese TV May 27th, 2022 on BS 11 TV program titled Inside Out, d… Mar 8 2021 川口 盛之助’s new book : 超万物開闢図譜 (ちょうばんぶつかいびゃくずふ) - Morinosuke Kawaguchi’s new book is titled 超万物開闢図譜(ちょうばんぶつかいびゃくずふ) Complete Analysis of Price-… Nov 25 2019 Morinosuke Kawaguchi’s MEGATRENDS series re-published by Nikkei BP - Nikkei BP republished three of Morinosuke Kawaguchi’s updated MEGATRENDS books: 1. Morinosuke… Apr 22 2019 Morinosuke Kawaguchi @ TV on the future of healthcare - April 26th at 21:00 on BS-TBS TV, tune in to learn about the future of healthcare with a super cast… Mar 30 2019 【川口盛之助】これから起こる劇的変化。そして次世代に真の価値を発揮するには - NewsPicks interview with Morinosuke Kawaguchi PDF version: 【川口盛之助】 これから起こる劇的変化。そして次世代に真の価値を発揮するには (…About

Morinosuke Kawaguchi is an innovation and competitive strategy consultant, futurist and designer. He is the founder and CEO of Morinoske Co. Ltd., based in Tokyo, Japan. Previously, for eleven years, he worked for the global strategy consulting firm, Arthur D. Little, (Japan) Inc. where he was Principal & Associate Director. He is the inventor of the Morinoske Subculture-driven Innovation Model, which he applies to both his consulting work and educational activity.

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