Innovation Treasure Box
Gross National Talent: Quantitative Analysis of Amazing Japanese Soft Power - Japanese futurist, and innovation and technology consultant, Morinosuke Kawaguchi’s concept o... 2016/06/06 Morinosuke Kawaguchi @ Samurai Yoroi Event @ Nippon Budokan @ Tokyo - 平成28年日本武道館鏡開き式のご報告 平成28年(2016)1月11日、日本武道館主催恒例の「鏡開き式・武道始め」が開催されまし た。 今年は、大将軍は(公財)日本武道館理事中曽根弘文氏、副将軍は(... 2016/03/22 Morinosuke is 1 of 20 advisers to the Japanese government’s 2030 strategy - Japanese futurist and innovator Morinosuke Kawaguchi is among the 20 people whose ideas are shaping... 2014/11/08 Morinosuke Kawaguchi presentations @ the world - In the image below we added the logos of some of the organizations, companies, universities and int... 2014/09/22 「今後の価値の変化」 3つの科学で見た「知平面」の風景と「ライフサイクル」の宿命 - 川口盛之助氏の presentation「今後の価値の変化」 3つの科学で見た「知平面」の風景と「ライフサイクル」の宿命 メガトレンドから考える企業戦略 3 つの科学で見た「知平面」の風景と「ライフ... 2014/07/13 国家戦略本部 「2030 年の日本」検討・対策プロジェクト Japan in 2030 Project - 国家戦略本部 「2030 年の日本」検討・対策プロジェクト The National Strategy Headquarters: Japan in 2030 Project Morinosuke ... 2014/07/06 MEGATRENDS 2014-2023 - You can now download the MEGATRENDS 2014-2023 Table of Contents of Morinosuke Kawaguchi’s bes... 2014/05/24 Fashion stores bursting into life - Mannequins and Japanese symbolisation Have you been paying attention to your local Japanese clothin... 2012/11/27 How beauty of form appeals to the Japanese man - Synopsis: Through exploring male and female-oriented product design, the modern trend of wearable d... 2012/11/27 A phone to enhance your style - Combining Japanese elegance with technology Picture the scene at a Japanese tea ceremony, with noth... 2012/10/13 KAWAII’s Global Rise –article summary - Morinosuke Kawaguchi: Kawaii’s Global Rise Translated from the original Japanese and summarized by ... 2012/10/13 KAWAII’s Global Rise - Note: Since January, 2007, Morinosuke Kawaguchi has been writing a column for the Nikkei BP website... 2012/09/26 The Fearsome Kabuki Mask & Honda Bikes - Note: Since January, 2007, Morinosuke Kawaguchi has been writing a column for the Nikkei BP website... 2012/08/19 The benefits of touching pudding - The artificial “Punyo Punyo pudding” might look like any other gag item. But their inve... 2012/07/03 Herbivore markets and their need for gentle product engineering - Note: this article is based on Morinosuke Kawaguchi’s lead article for Nikkei Electronics’ June 11,... 2012/06/26 Irresistibility of perforated paper - There is a secret pleasure in ripping perforated paper. So much in fact that according to Morinosuk... 2012/04/27 Why SONY can learn from a construction company - Noise cancellation technology is most often associated with earphone or headphones. Noise cancellat... 2012/04/04 Make it easier to understand – and placative - We all remember when we were at school how tedious it was to learn things by heart. And it didnR... 2012/04/02 Anime-inspired car front lights - In 2011, one of the big trends of the world’s most important Motor Show IAA was how clearly c... 2012/03/28 Senses of waste - Japan, being an island, has a highly developed sense of waste and sustainability which, according t... 2012/03/27 When products choose us - In times of usability everything needs to be efficient and easy or ready to use. Products are tools... 2012/03/27 Denying the original design brings back the love - For years now Japanese women have been decorating their cell phones. In fact, it is so common that ... 2012/03/27 Deriving business from dramatized life - Over the past years the concept of human-centric or user-centric made each person the centre of the... 2012/03/27 Outsourcing embarassment - Japan is the country where the sense of shyness and embarrassment is particularly pronounced. There... 2012/03/27 From making to designing - The automaton by Toshiba’s founder Hisashige Tanaka is really something, considering that it was bu... 2012/03/23 Humanization makes the abstract tangible – and lovable - These are two depictions of Saraswati, an Indian goddess associated with knowledge, flow and arts. ... 2012/03/23 Forget the 5C analysis - A country’s power of innovation and technology is linked to its cultural and social backgroun... 2012/03/23 Thinking of the mechanism is limiting - Morinosuke Kawaguchi’s approach to technological development has fathered the term subculture... 2012/03/23 Subculture-inspired traffic harmonization - Years ago Yamaha developed a bike prototype with the front resembling a face. The shape and design ... 2012/03/23 Manga heroes point at the future - Using Morinosuke Kawaguchi’s four quadrant matrix to assess mentality dimensions, Japanese he... 2012/03/23 Compulsive behavior and the good kind of addiction - Morinosuke Kawaguchi advises that we think of the time we were kids – certain actions had such irre... 2012/03/23 Carnivore or herbivore: choose your approach - With every new innovation the question is whether you invented a tool or a weapon. As they say, it’... 2012/03/23