平成28年(2016)1月11日、日本武道館主催恒例の「鏡開き式・武道始め」が開催されまし た。 今年は、大将軍は(公財)日本武道館理事中曽根弘文氏、副将軍は(公社)全日本銃剣道連盟 会長酒井健氏と当会会長永田仁志以下、全61人の構成でした。 三献の儀(さんこんのぎ)が厳粛に行われた後、大将軍により勇ましく鏡餅が打ち開かれ、続 いて副将軍2人により酒樽の鏡板を打ち開き、 館内の多くの見学者の拍手のなか3軍に分れ甲冑武者が武道館内を堂々と練り歩きました。
PDF : 平成28年日本武道館鏡開き式のご報告 « 一般社団法人 日本甲冑武具研究保存会
Link: 2015 Samurai Yoroi Event @ Nippon Budokan
Every January 11th a traditional Japanese ceremony is held at the Nippon Budokan in Tokyo, called Kagami Biraki, which means the “Opening of the Mirror”. This ceremony marks the end of the New Year celebrations and begins the New Year in style. The Kagami Biraki tradition started in the 15th century and it’s still practiced in Japan. More about Kagami Biraki here: Kagami Biraki: Renewing the Spirit Morinosuke Kawaguchi dressed in a samurai yoroi at the Kagami Biraki event at Nippon Budokan in January 2016
This is the step-by-step process of wearing the samurai yoroi:
Morinosuke’s samurai yoroi is waiting for him. He is going to be the taiko drummer for the procession so there is a drumstick prepared for him. Of course, he has a sword, too!First piece of clothing is a cotton Japanese style shirt which is tied very tightly with a long cloth. This is an important step to make sure the rest of the outfit fits well, allowing comfortable movement while keeping the body very tight so the weight of the samurai yoroi is not even felt.
The cotton shirt is tied very tightly. Morinosuke had no idea why until hours later : the amazing technique of the professional who dressed him in the samurai yoroi ensured that he did not feel the weight of the outfit. If the undershirt and the rest of the outfit is tied well, the weight of the yoroi is held around the waist and legs, making the heavy outfit feel light and keeping the upper body, especially the arms, free to move. Great design! Now let’s put the pants on! As you see, the pants are open so one can move well and also use the toilet! Once again, more wrapping around the waist. The pants will be covered with the blue cotton which is preparation for the leg protector added on later. More body wrapping, this time for the lower part of the leg.
On with the gorgeous leg protector! We love the leg protector!
An important part of the samurai outfit is the hand protector. Beautiful and comfy!
The arm protectors are tied around the back like this. Morinosuke said this felt wonderful. Very comfy . Back view. Front view. Almost ready! Sword is secured. Morinosuke The Samurai Kawaguchi is now ready! Look how beautiful the arm cover is! The hat was changed. Now off to rehearsal! Morinosuke is standing inside the Nippon Budokan as people are arriving for the ceremony. The samurai at the 2016 Kagami Biraki at the Nippon Budokan in Tokyo. The man in the center is Morinosuke Kawaguchi.