川口 盛之助’s new book : 超万物開闢図譜 (ちょうばんぶつかいびゃくずふ)

川口盛之助の本:超万物開闢図譜(ちょうばんぶつかいびゃくずふ) Complete Analysis of Price-Value Interrelation: A Comparative Approach , published by Nikkei BP
Morinosuke Kawaguchi’s new book is titled 超万物開闢図譜(ちょうばんぶつかいびゃくずふ) Complete Analysis of Price-Value Interrelation: A Comparative Approach is published by Nikkei BP in March 2021.
The book can be ordered on the Nikkei site below for 880,000 Yen per copy, including tax.

Nikkei BP website about the book : 川口盛之助の本:超万物開闢図譜(ちょうばんぶつかいびゃくずふ)

In this book, more than 2,400 products distributed in Japan are compared and evaluated by developing them on a coordinate map showing the unit price per kilogram and the shipment volume on the XY axes. From a group of plots scattered like a nebula, including electronic components of 0.1 mg or less to dams with a total weight of more than 1 million tons, pay attention to objects with specific common factors and connect them with lines like constellations. As you go, suggestions for increasing value emerge. By spinning the 200 suggestions unique to each industry extracted by trial and error from the figures classified into 30 categories into further cross-industry suggestions, we have summarized them into 10 large and universal laws of value increase. I am. “What happens if we apply the suggestions for increasing the unit price of seasonings to alloy development?” “What is the common denominator between the value of Romanée-Conti and the value of powered suits?” By using the coordinate map, it is possible to enjoy the thought experiment by developing the path that the ancestors of such completely different industries have devised ingenuity. The only way for logic to approach innovation is to deploy the analogy horizontally. The seemingly out-of-place and unconventional suggestions from distant industries will have a greater impact when successfully deployed horizontally.
In addition, this book also analyzes how the areas of strength of each country and the position of Japan shift from the share by country for each value level. The trend is to shift from manufacturing to the information and service fields, but looking at the value of all things from a bird’s-eye view, it seems that high-value-added manufacturing that Japan should be able to achieve is limited to incomplete combustion. You can see it. Before we worry about how to deal with the era of non-manufacturing, we have not been able to maximize the value of the essential things, and there is still plenty of work to be done. This book was created for people involved in all kinds of merchandise. It provides a place of thinking to reconsider the value that can be given to things from the essence. It will be a powerful weapon when considering new business development for your company.

Chart of “Overview of Complete Analysis of Price-Value Interrelation” from Morinosuke Kawaguchi’s book “Complete Analysis of Price-Value Interrelation: A Comparative Approach” published by Nikkei BP in 2021

PDF version of the same chart from the book: Overview of Complete Analysis of Price-Value Interrelation




 同じ1000億円市場の摂取物でも、バナナや玄米などのカロリー源と最先端の抗体医薬では単価と出荷量がそれぞれ8桁分(数億倍相当)違います。道路や壁を舗装するアスファルトや漆喰はキロ数十円台の構造材ですが、その上に塗る塗料となると1桁高くてキロ数百円台、印刷インクなら2桁、肌に塗るファンデーションだと3桁、その上に描く口紅やアイライナーでは4桁分(数万倍相当)にも価値は凝縮されるのです。一方、単価上昇と反比例するように出荷量が減るので市場規模はいずれも同程度に収まります。 電気製品の場合、床に置く洗濯機のキロ1000円台から始まって、デスクトップパソコンは1桁アップ、持ち歩くスマホでは2桁高くなり、ウエラブルなワイヤレスイヤホンになると3桁、そして体内に埋め込むペースメーカーになると4桁も高いキロ1000万円台にまで価値は凝縮されます。ここに挙げた摂取物、構造材、電気製品の事例を通して見えてくる価値アップの共通項は、人の心身の要所に近づくほどに人工物の価値密度が高まっていくという経験則です。

川口 盛之助
『超万物開闢図譜』著者 『メガトレンド』シリーズ著者