
川口 盛之助’s new book : 超万物開闢図譜 (ちょうばんぶつかいびゃくずふ) - Morinosuke Kawaguchi’s new book is titled 超万物開闢図譜(ちょうばんぶつかいびゃくずふ) Complete Analysis of Price-... Morinosuke Kawaguchi’s MEGATRENDS series re-published by Nikkei BP - Nikkei BP republished three of Morinosuke Kawaguchi’s updated MEGATRENDS books: 1. Morinosuke... Morinosuke Kawaguchi’s メガトレンド2019-2028 Megatrends 2019-2028 published! - Morinosuke Kawaguchi’s magnum opus, Megatrends 2019-2028, was published by Nikkei BP in Decem... メガトレンド 世界の終わりと始まり│日経BP社 - 皆さま Morinosuke Kawaguchi’s new book is coming out! 川口盛之助 のメガトレンド 世界の終わりと始まり│日経BP社 8月11日に新刊が書店... 川口 盛之助 の新しい本「日本人も知らなかった日本の国力(ソフトパワー)       こんな顔ぶれの日本人たちが登場する本です 川口 盛之助 の新しい本「日本人も知らなかった日本の国力(ソフトパワー)       こんな顔ぶれの日本人たちが登場する本です - More about Morinosuke Kawaguchi’s latest book and his concept of Gross National Talent: 川口 盛之... 2016/07/25 川口盛之助氏のメガトレンド2019-2028 川口盛之助氏のメガトレンド2019-2028 - Time to order your copy! Please contact us if you would like a copy of Morinosuke Kawaguchi’s... 2016/06/27 2016世界はこうなる The World in 2016(日経BPムック) The Economist - Morinosuke Kawaguchi contributed to this book 2016世界はこうなる The World in 2016(日経BPムック) , published by... New book: モノづくり2.0 - New book, published on July 10th by KADOKAWA, featuring interviews with 川口 盛之助 (かわぐち・もりのすけ) Morinos... 川口盛之助@国家戦略本部  - Morinosuke is honored to continue his contribution to the Japanese government’s future strate... Morinosuke is 1 of 20 advisers to the Japanese government's 2030 strategy Morinosuke is 1 of 20 advisers to the Japanese government’s 2030 strategy - Japanese futurist and innovator Morinosuke Kawaguchi is among the 20 people whose ideas are shaping... 2014/11/08 Writing books around Japan - Futurist Morinosuke Kawaguchi and his team have been working well and playing hard. Members of the ... Fifth printing of オタクで女の子な国のモノづくり (講談社BIZ) is on its way! - オタクで女の子な国のモノづくり川口盛之助氏の本「オタクで女の子な国のモノづくり」 (講談社BIZ) [単行本] is its fifth printing in Japan. Copies shou... Morinosuke’s book is used as a university textbook @ Canada - Morinosuke Kawaguchi’s book Geeky-Girly Innovation: A Japanese Subculturalist’s Guide t... Morinosuke’s 2013. December 11th presentation in Tokyo - Morinosuke’s December 11th presentation” is on his new book 川口盛之助の メガトレンド2014-2023 Time: Dece... Morinosuke Kawaguchi presentation on his new book: メガトレンド 2014-2023 - Morinosuke will be introducing his new book, メガトレンド 2014-2023, Megatrends 2014-2023. Date: November... Morinosuke Kawaguchi’s new book メガトレンド 2014-2023 - Morinosuke Kawaguchi’s latest book on the future, titled メガトレンド 2014-2023, is ready for deliv... Macao Daily newspaper’s fab book review of Morinosuke Kawaguchi’s book! - Thanks, Macao Daily for this huge and prominent book review in today’s paper and website! Mac... Taiwanese book review of Morinosuke Kawaguchi’s award-winning title - Thanks for this great book review in Taiwan, published on 2013.07.07: QOOS Taiwanese Book review of... Futurist Morinosuke Kawaguchi & Nikkei BP collaboration - Futurist Morinosuke Kawaguchi and Nikkei BP are collaborating on 日経BP未来研究所Nikkei BP Mirai Kenkyujou...