Morinosuke on TBS Television’s 100秒博士アカデミー

Fun! Famous Kansai duo Downtown created a new weekly TV show for TBS titled
100秒博士アカデミー “100Byou Hakase Academy” which translates to “100Seconds Professor Academy” and Morinosuke Kawaguchi is on!
His topic: the Japanese Toilet!
Date: 2014. January 21st, Tuesday
Time: 22:00–22:54
1月 21日火曜日よる10:00から
Here is the TV show in Japanese with Morinosuke coming on from 35:00 minutes:

140121 100秒博士アカデミー 投稿者 Banimation

For another taste of how Morinosuke Kawaguchi presents, here is his 2010 TEDxTokyo Toilet Talks in Japanese: