Morinoske WOW Data
Morinoske WOW Data on the relationship between Calorie Intake & Wealth: 富裕度 と 摂取カロリー の関係
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1WOW Calorie intake & Wealth
1. Affluence and calorie intake are basically positively correlated. On average, humans consume about 580 kcal more every day when they become 10 times richer.
2. Let’s use the Big Mac as a conversion for calories: since the calorie content of one Big Mac is 492 kcal (in France) ~ 540 kcal (in US), people consume 1.1~1.2 of Big Mac every day once they become 10 times richer.
3. Even with the same level of affluence, there is a difference of up to 1,000 kcal in calorie intake. Big eater countries are the USA, Belgium, Italy, Turkey, Tunisia, and Egypt, while small eaters include Japan, the Bahamas, Maldives, and Jordan.
4. Americans, the world biggest eaters, consume 1,252 kcal more daily than the Japanese. It’s the equivalent of 2.3 Big-Macs a day.
5. The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) indicates that the necessary daily calorie intake is 2,100 kcal per adult. Yet, the global average calorie intake is 2,959 kcal, which is about 895 kcal more.
6. The amount of excess food that humans eat in a day is 895 kcal per person. This corresponds to 30% of the average intake of 2,959 kcal. In other words, thirty percent of the food on the table is unnecessary calories.
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1WOW 富裕度 と 摂取カロリー の関係
富裕度 と 摂取カロリー の関係
生活の豊かさと摂取カロリーの間には正の相関性がある。世界各国を平均的にみると、人類は10倍豊かになると毎日約580kcal 多くのカロリーを摂取している。
世界で最も大食の米国人は、日本人より毎日1,252kcal 多く食べている。これはビッグマック2.3個分に相当する。
国連世界食糧計画(WFP)が推奨する成人1人の1日当たりの摂取カロリーは2,100 kcalだが、世界平均は2,959kcalと895kcalも多い。